Coat of Arms of the Government of Dominica

  +1 767 266 4861

About Us

History of the Dominica State Prison

The Dominica Prison was constructed in October 1954 at its present site to accommodate eighty-four (84) inmates. At that time, persons who were sent to prison came from the lower strata of society, the majority of whom were illiterate.

Present Structure

For the past few years, the department developed and operated a system of functional heads and gave Principal Prison Officers various responsibilities and tasks but some of the heads were not assigned staff to achieve the tasks and responsibilities they were assigned to.

Superintendents of Prison

The following are the past and present superintendents who have served the Dominica State Prison.


What is Needed to Visit?

  • A picture I.D.
    • Valid passport, driver's license, social security card or national ID card
  • The full name of the person that you would like to visit.
